Get Involved

Urgent Action

Help us prevent a mining disaster. Our lake is at stake.


That’s the Rock Creek Alliance message as we enlist citizens to raise their voices against the Rock Creek Mine. This ad was  part of our ongoing efforts to raise awareness of  the jeopardy that the mine poses to Lake Pend Oreille and the greater Sandpoint area, just downstream of the proposed mine site.

“Sandpoint has everything to lose and absolutely nothing to gain from this monster of a mine,” the ad concludes.

Click to see the ad»

Join RCA

When you join Rock Creek Alliance, you will receive updates on the work we do, invites to public meetings, and the satisfaction of knowing your donation is going directly to a single purpose—protecting a treasured lake and wilderness area from a monstrous threat. Plus, your donation is 100% tax deductible.

You can join right here, right now!
$15 Friend

$25 Supporter

$50 Family

$100 Sponsor

$500 Benefactor


If you prefer, you can send a check made payable to the Rock Creek Alliance to P.O. Box 2636, Sandpoint, ID  83864. If you have questions, please feel free to e-mail us or call us at 208-610-4896.

Write Your Representatives

You can make an enormous difference simply by e-mailing decision-makers. Let them know that mining beneath a federally designated wilderness area—polluting public rivers, streams and lakes and jeopardizing wildlife—won’t be tolerated or condoned. Ask them to hold accountable the agencies under their jurisdictions, such as Montana DEQ, the U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Montana Residents

Governor Greg Gianforte
Senator Jon Tester
Senator Steve Daines

Idaho Residents

Governor Brad Little
Senator Jim Risch
Senator Michael Crapo
Representative Russ Fulcher

Share Your Opinion

Writing a letter to an editor can make a big difference in shaping public opinion, and it only takes a few minutes. Please keep your letters brief and talk about your personal connection to the issue. We recommend speaking out against the harm this mine will do to water quality, endangered species, the sanctity of wilderness, and to our  local, recreation-based economy. Visit the What’s At Stake section of our website to learn how the mine threatens the very things we value most.

Media Outlets
Bonner County Daily Bee
Idaho Spokesman Review
Kalispell Daily Interlake
The Sanders County Ledger
Spokesman Review
Helena Independent Record
Sandpoint Reader


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